Street Photography Online Mentoring Program II

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IG workshops (6).jpg
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Street Photography Online Mentoring Program II


Join a small group of photographers for a special online mentoring program with Valérie Jardin.

Participate in 5 assignments and 5 critique sessions at regular intervals. Can’t make it live? A recording will be sent to you immediately after the class.

The first class will be a general street photography masterclass followed by a specific presentation related to your first assignment. Each session after that will be a review session followed by the class for your next assignment for a total of 6 sessions.

The calendar of classes is as follows: Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Nov. 30, Dec. 21, Jan 11 & Feb. 8

This program is designed to keep you and your camera active week after week. Learn and practice new techniques and meet new friends who are participating in the same program at the same time.

NOTE: SPI and SPII are both designed for all levels. The assignments are different. BUT, if you took a class last year, you should register for Street Photography II this year.


Thank you, Valerie, for your wonderful Street Photography Online Mentoring I course!  I came into the course completely new to the genre (and fairly new to photography in general) so I was a bit nervous about what would be expected of me.  Valerie taught to all student levels and regularly gave suggestions about how someone with less confidence might tackle a particular assignment.  She was so gracious in her critiques that I never worried about not having as much experience as some of the other students.  In addition, I thought the online format worked very well with my style of learning.  I was able to practice techniques for 3+ weeks before turning in an assignment, giving me lots of time for trial and error.  The whole experience was wonderful and a time of real growth in my photographic skills.  I look forward to taking the follow-up course and hope to sign up for an in-person workshop in the future! “- Patti Lamm, USA

“Being part of Valerie's online workshop was an amazing opportunity to have an in- depth critique of my photography. Valerie's teaching style is positive and a reflection of her world class skill as a street photographer. I would recommend the online class to anybody who wants to get more from their camera.” - Rosemary, New Zealand

“If you want to learn, develop and practice new and creative ways to photograph in public spaces, this is the class for you! Valerie is an exceptional teacher, offering instructional presentations on a wide range of techniques, fun challenges for assignments, and honest and helpful critique of your work, all with lots of heart and insight. Looking back on the class experience, I realize my photography skills have improved, my vision expanded, my confidence boosted. And I'm continuing to feel inspired to get out there with my camera and experiment with new ways of seeing. Much gratitude to you, Valerie, and a special shoutout to all my classmates!” - Sandy Nichols, Baltimore, MD

"I am not a street photographer, but I signed up for Valerie’s “Street Photography Online Mentoring Program” because I felt the challenge would be good for me. It was definitely a challenge, but a very exciting and enjoyable one! Valerie gave us five assignments, and with each one I found myself searching for subjects that I normally don’t look for with my camera. Each assignment gave me a chance to learn new techniques, expand on others and move me out of my comfort zone. Valerie’s critique sessions are really educational! She is an excellent teacher and takes the time to kindly make suggestions, ask questions, and helps the student expand their vision. And since the workshop took place over a few months, we had the time to put our new skills into practice and gain some confidence before starting on the next assignment. It was inspiring and fun and I will definitely do it again!” - Bernice Williams, Chicago, IL

“This online course was a great way to learn and try new things over a longer period of time, with assignments that challenged me, just what I needed at that time. During this time my ability and eye for new images has changed forever. Going out with the camera again and again, was the key for me.Valerie imparts her knowledge in a wonderful, serious way, without losing the fun, which is expressed in a great way in the critique sessions. This course is just ‘Valerie’. - Christof, Bonn, Germany

I thoroughly enjoyed your recent Web class on Street Photography.  It was well presented for both the techniques used for the assignments and the critiques of the pictures submitted by the class participants.  Your critiques were always helpful and well presented.  The class motivated me to get out and shoot more along with working to master the techniques you presented.  I would highly recommend the class to all levels of photographers to enhance their level of expertise.  Looking forward to taking another class in the Fall. - Mark Williamson

“Thank you so much for this wonderful experience! It has been a great challenge. Really enjoyed all of it.” - Sveltana M.

“I’m feeling sad that our class is over. It really was so much fun for me. The other photographers were so inspiring and creative which drove me to keep trying harder. I loved the structure of the class and the anticipation of the next assignment.” Deb Mastronardi, DC, USA



Who is it for?

Anyone interested in street photography, regardless of their level of experience. Beginners will get the motivation they need to experience different ways to document everyday life. Experienced photographers will get a boost to step up their game.

How does it work?

The first class will be a general street photography masterclass followed by a specific presentation related to your first assignment. Each session after that will be a review session followed by the class for your next assignment for a total of 6 sessions.

The calendar of classes is as follows: Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Nov. 30, Dec. 21, Jan 11 & Feb. 8

The class schedule will remain flexible to fit Valérie Jardin’s travel and workshop schedule. If you are unable to attend a class or critique session, you will receive a recording immediately after.

How are the critiques?

Valérie is known for her gentle approach. A critique is always constructive, never negative. 48 hours before the critique session you will be asked to submit 5 photographs for review. Each participant will be able to learn from their own critique but also from the rest of the group. This is the most important part of the teaching.

When will we meet?

It’s impossible to accommodate every time zone. For that reason, if you cannot watch live, you will receive a recording to watch when you can. Valérie spends a lot of time in France as well as the United States. For that reason, live sessions will be held around 12 pm US central time (1pm NYC, 6pm London, 7pm Paris time).

Do I need to subscribe to Zoom to take this class?

No, you do not need a Zoom membership to participate in this program.


All registrations are accepted in the order received. Early registration is strongly suggested since there are limited spaces available. To reserve a limited spot on an online mentorship program by Valerie Jardin Photography, Inc. full payment is required. The program is non refundable. If you are unable to attend the online class LIVE, a recording will be sent to you immediately following the session. You may not share the class link with anyone at any time. All major credit cards accepted at check out.