It took me a few days to be able to share my thoughts here. After my return from France, exactly 11 days ago, I was feeling angry and isolated. Not isolated from the quarantine I am under, but from the disconnect from my family and country. Everyone is well and safe, both in France and in the US. Video calls are a wonderful thing! Being an expat, this new situation represents a challenge I could have never prepared for. As human beings, no one, could have prepared for this. The most amazing thing is that we have an incredible power of adaptability and a new normal is starting to take place, for a few weeks or months…
My emotions over the past few days went from fear, to anger. Today, finally, I feel peace. I have a sense of purpose again. A D A P T A B I L I T Y is my new favorite word. I can’t teach on the streets of my favorite cities for the next few months? It sucks, but I can do it virtually and help others escape for an hour or two in the process. I am writing, day dreaming and planning the next adventures.
This is an unprecedented experience, for all of us. It’s not going to be pleasant for anyone. But it’s temporary. And there are a lot of worse things than staying home for a few weeks. Most of us are in very privileged situation: We have a home to stay in. Think about that…
#STAYHOME my friends.