This episode of Hit The Streets is brought to you by WHCC. I've trusted WHCC with all my printing needs for over 15 years and I couldn't be happier with their awesome service. Take a quick look at the video below of my visit at their lab when my exhibit stand outs were being produced.
See the WHCC quality for yourself and receive free prints when you open an account by clicking on the banner pic below.
This week is a new Q&A and Photo challenge episode and I invited My friend photographer Marie Laigneau to co-host with me. Visit Marie via her website.
Mark Farrington and Søren Langkilde Madsen sent in two questions specifically for Marie this week.
After the Q&A we announced the winners of the last photo challenge. The theme was Humor on the streets.
And the winners are...
Marie picked a photograph titled Surprise! by Pierre Pichot and one titled Lullaby for Babies by Jens Rohde
Valerie picked a photograph titled The Cinematic Look by Sven Gerhardt
All three winners will receive an ebook of their choice from our friends at Rockynook.

New Street Challenge
The next street challenge is EYE CONTACT, listen to the episode to get some tips and enter your best shot in the comments below by April 13.
Two winners will receive a camera strap by Sailor Strap.
Sample images of spontaneous EYE CONTACT from Valerie's collection (Sorry, Marie didn't send her photos in time for publication of this post.)
Guest's Book Pick
Come to Chicago and meet me and Marie Laigneau at Out of Chicago 2017