This episode of Hit The Streets is brought to you by WHCC. I've trusted WHCC with all my printing needs for over 15 years and I couldn't be happier with their awesome service. Take a quick look at the video below of my visit at their lab when my exhibit stand outs were being produced.
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Guest Co-host: Mel Rolleri
I've been interested in photography for most of my adult life and recall taking a darkroom class 30 years ago, but life happens, and photography took a back seat for years.
I really started to get into it maybe six years ago when we were in Italy. I took tons of pictures with whatever iteration of iPhone I had at the time, and mostly with the Hipstamatic app, which is still one of my favorites.
When I returned home from that trip, I sold all of my Canon gear, for a much smaller, lighter, mirrorless system. I started with Olympus, but recently switched to Fujifilm. I am absolutely in love with these cameras!!!
In the past, I've mostly shot landscapes, seascapes, sunrises, and sunsets – the beauty of nature. I also enjoy architectural photography and still life. Let's just say, I shoot anything I find interesting or beautiful.
I rarely took pics of people. In fact, I’d get annoyed when they were in my shot. But I’ve always loved street photography as a genre, before I even knew there was a name for it. As I look around my house, at artwork I have on my walls, I have seven framed prints of what I know now to be famous street photos (Cartier-Bresson, Doisneau, etc). I’ve had them for close to 30 years.
I've been toying with street photography for about two years, but really got hooked since participating in the Women’s March in NYC in January. I've since gone to the NYC gay pride parade, and had a wonderful time shooting there.
Mel's website: www.melrolleriphotography.com and @melrolleri on Instagram
During this episode, Mel and I answer the following questions:
Brandon Price: "Hello, Valerie. I enjoy listening to your podcast so much. Thanks for putting the time and effort in that you do. I know you have been a JPG-only shooter for a while now, so I've been wondering: how often are you changing the white balance (along with the shadows and highlights) in-camera? Is this something you change throughout a shoot, or before a given shoot? Do you just trust Fuji with Auto-WB?"
Alicia: "Do your ever wonder if some Street Photography images in which you see are real or fake? Have you ever questioned an image in which you saw?" and "Does the authenticity of the production of an image bother you or is it simply about the final outcome?"
And the winners are....
Mel: Geert Schuite, 'Barcelona dog walker'
Valerie's: Chantal Mougel ‘People watching’
©Geert Schuite
©Chantal Mougel
New photo challenge
The color red on the streets. Make it an assignment and upload one pic per person in the comment section below before October 19.
Guest book pick
Samples of RED on the streets from Valerie's collection: