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In this episode…
This week Valérie invites David Julian to talk about their photo adventure in Havana, Cuba just hours after their trip.
Guest Co-Host Biography
©Valérie Jardin ~ David during one of our many photo adventures in Habana Vieja
David Julian is a Seattle-based photographer, photo-illustrator, speaker and educator. He divides his time between assignments, travels and teaching. He has led workshops for Maine Media Workshops, Santa Fe Workshops, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Un-Cruise and in Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Cuba, and soon in India and the Far East.
His images and interviews have appeared in Communication Arts, PRINT, NY Times, LA Times, Islands, Outside, National Geographic Traveler, Audubon, Rangefinder, Outdoor Photographer, Digital Photo Pro, Fujilove, and in all media on the arts. He has been awarded by The Art Director’s Clubs of New York and Los Angeles, the Society of News Design, the Society of Photographic Educators and World in Focus.
Dave is also a Fuji-X Delegate photographer, an expert in Lightroom and Photoshop, and enjoys helping others develop vision and skills to reach creative goals.
Links to David's Work
David's work: DavidJulian.com