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In this episode of Hit The Streets, Valerie is joined by Angelo Fernandes to answer listener questions.
Guest Co-host Biography
My name is Angelo and I am a street photographer, Fuji X shooter and proud owner of afshoot.com/shop, an online shop for premium camera straps and accessories.
My first contact with photography was back in 2009. I haven't stopped since then and my life made a 180-degree turn.
Before I really got into photography, I was a product manager and worked with a number of different suppliers, including leather and therefore have always had a love of beautifully crafted products. Having a passion for photography and all accessories, I wanted the perfect luxurious leather strap. I started my own collection of straps and I’m the developer and designer of the MUFLON camera straps.
I also teach street photography locally in Lisbon. These two activities allow me to live from photography and dedicate myself 100% to the street genre.
My passion for photography began in the streets, and nowadays the techniques that I developed in this environment is reflected in all my work. I always carry my camera with me. Taking photos every day gives me the necessary training and mental vision to see and capture the right moment.
Links to Angelo's Work
Christian Kocinski via email
"Hi Valerie: Do you ever go out shooting, and all the photos on the tiny screen look so great, you feel so inspired, and then when you get home it seems like there’s nothing but garbage?
I shot photos like a madman yesterday. I was at a summer festival trying to capture interesting people. When I looked through my photos at home they all looked out of focus or had distracting motion blur.
I’ve been shooting photos for years, but only started focusing on street photography in the last year. I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong, just don’t want to get discouraged either."
@photoankan via Instagram
"Hi Valerie: I like your pictures and love street photography. But I see that you and many others put pictures of children on Instagram. Do you ask for parents' permission?"
And The Winner Is...
©Norman Scobbie
Angelo picked a photograph by Norman Scobbie as the winner of the 'Rain' photo challenge. Congratulations Norman!
Next Photo Challenge
The next photo challenge is: 'When it's all about color on the streets'. The deadline for the next challenge is August 30th. Enter in the comment section. One winner will receive this leather camera strap: https://www.afshoot.com/shop/product/muflon-the-nebraska-strap/